
Postcards From Indiana Tell of Driver Infractions

The Indiana State Police have begun mailing postcards to trucking companies in an attempt to inform motor carriers of their drivers’ traffic violations.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
May 3, 2000

New York Considers Longer Rest For Truckers

New York is considering a plan to abolish the time limits it places on truckers trying to sleep at rest areas and scenic overlooks along state highways.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
May 3, 2000

Fast Tolls Planned for Illinois Trucks

Before the end of the year, truckers should be able to zip through tollbooths on Illinois’ tollways with a smile and a wave, but not a stop.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
May 3, 2000

Court to Review BNSF-CN Appeal

A federal appeals court granted Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp. and Canadian National Railway Co. an expedited review of their appeal of a Surface Transportation Board decision that blocked the two railroads’ merger.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
April 28, 2000

Governor Signs Ton-Mile Tax Repeal

Gov. Dirk Kempthorne has finalized the legislative eradication of Idaho’s 49-year-old weight-distance tax.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
April 26, 2000

Governor Signs Idaho Ton-Mile Tax Repeal

Gov. Dirk Kempthorne has finalized the legislative eradication of Idaho’s 49-year-old weight-distance tax, signing a bill that would replace the levy with higher truck registration fees.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
April 24, 2000

White Flag Raised in Oregon

Truckers fighting to abolish Oregon’s weight-distance tax have been forced to concede defeat because of sky-high gasoline prices and fierce opposition from the American Automobile Association.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
April 19, 2000

Fuel Price Fall-Off Continues

Fuel prices continued to descend from the Mount Everest-like summits seen in March and analysts predicted the trend would continue.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
April 19, 2000

FTC Drops Probe of Port Trucker Organizing

A government decision to drop an investigation takes several port truckers out of immediate legal danger, but leaves their long-term efforts to organize bound in bureaucratic muck.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
April 19, 2000

Maryland Legislature Wraps Up

Maryland put the final touches on its 2000 legislative session April 10 and six bills pertaining to trucking were passed in the final flurry of action.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
April 19, 2000