Government, Business

CEOs Try Again to Temper Trump Tariffs as US-China Talks Open

As China prepares to send officials to the United States to restart talks on ending an escalating trade war, American companies and trade groups are returning to a Washington hearing room, most to argue against more tariffs from President Donald Trump.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
August 20, 2018

Trump’s China Tariffs Risk Costing US Jobs, New Study Shows

President Donald Trump said his trade actions may cause “a little pain” in the short term, and a new study shows U.S. agricultural workers could be hurt the most.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
May 1, 2018
Government, Business, Logistics

Dozens of US Business Groups Warn Trump Against China Tariffs

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and 44 other associations are urging President Donald Trump not to impose sweeping tariffs in response to China’s trade practices, warning the action would “trigger a chain reaction of negative consequences for the U.S. economy.”

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
March 19, 2018
Government, Logistics

Trump to Promote Infrastructure Plan as Lawmakers Seek Funding

The White House says Donald Trump will campaign to pass legislation this year to upgrade roads, bridges and other public works, as members of Congress from both parties say it will only happen with a push from the president.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
March 14, 2018
Government, Business, Fuel, Logistics

US Chamber of Commerce to Push for Gas Tax Hike for Road and Bridge Upgrades

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce will call for increasing the federal gas tax by 25 cents a gallon over the next five years to help pay for rebuilding U.S. roads and bridges as part of its push for a federal infrastructure initiative this year.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
January 16, 2018
Government, Logistics

Trump to Release Infrastructure Plan in January, Official Says

President Donald Trump plans to keep pushing his legislative agenda in 2018 by releasing his long-promised infrastructure proposal in early January, a senior administration official said.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
December 8, 2017

Trump’s Change of Heart Puts $1 Trillion Building Plan in Limbo

Donald Trump’s infrastructure guru spent part of Sept. 26 at a conference in Washington promoting the president’s $1 trillion plan to rebuild the nation’s crumbling roads, bridges and airports relying in part on public-private partnerships. The same day, across town, Trump was telling lawmakers that those kinds of deals don’t work.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
October 2, 2017
Government, Business, Logistics

Trump’s Planned Infrastructure Boom Bumps Up Against Worker Shortage

President Donald Trump’s plan to boost the economy with millions of jobs rebuilding roads, bridges and ports has a snag, the construction industry says: There aren’t nearly enough skilled workers to fill them.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
August 30, 2017

Trump Abandons Plan for Council on Infrastructure

President Donald Trump will not move forward with a planned Advisory Council on Infrastructure, a person familiar with the matter said Aug. 17.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
August 17, 2017

Trump Repackages Obama Council as `New' in Infrastructure Plan

The “new council” that President Donald Trump announced on June 9 to streamline regulatory reviews for infrastructure projects isn’t actually new.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
June 9, 2017