
Trump to Outline Infrastructure Plan That Includes Rural Funding

President Donald Trump will outline his vision on June 7 for an infrastructure plan that includes federal grants to rural areas as well as to states and localities to create additional funding for projects, according to a preview of the speech provided by the White House.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
June 7, 2017

Trump ‘Self-Help’ Infrastructure Plan Irks State, Local Leaders

Mayors and state lawmakers from both parties are blasting President Donald Trump’s proposed transportation budget and $1 trillion infrastructure initiative, saying his plans would cut federal funding for critical projects and leave them holding the bill.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
June 1, 2017

Democrats Rip Trump's Infrastructure Plan as ‘Sleight of Hand’

President Donald Trump’s $1 trillion plan for improving the nation’s infrastructure isn’t enjoying the immediate bipartisan support he may have hoped for.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
May 24, 2017
Government, Business

Trump Budget Said to Include $200 Billion for Infrastructure

President Donald Trump will propose spending $200 billion in federal funds over 10 years to spur investment in the nation’s infrastructure, a senior Office of Management and Budget official said.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
May 22, 2017

Trump’s Public-Private Infrastructure Vision Rejected in Texas

President Donald Trump’s plan to invest $1 trillion in U.S. infrastructure with the help of public-private partnerships has hit a speed bump in Texas.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
May 9, 2017
Government, Business

Trump Study of Gas Tax Could Run Afoul of GOP, Rural Voters

President Donald Trump said he’s open to raising the federal gasoline tax to fund infrastructure improvements — a position that could pit him against his fellow Republicans in Congress and might hit rural voters who supported him harder than others.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
May 2, 2017

FedEx Pushes for Infrastructure Fix as Trump Weighs Investment

The growth of e-commerce is putting enormous new demands on U.S. highways, airports and other infrastructure, which must be modernized with sustainable funding, FedEx Corp. Chairman and CEO Frederick Smith said.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
February 1, 2017
Government, Business

To Toll or Not to Toll Is Question for Trump Infrastructure Plan

The Brent Spence Bridge between Ohio and Kentucky carries twice as much traffic as it was built to handle — it’s 54 years old and functionally obsolete.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
January 27, 2017
Government, Business

States Send Trump Wish Lists for Promised Infrastructure Plan

With President Trump promising to rebuild crumbling U.S. highways, bridges and buildings, states have begun submitting lists of priority projects in need of funding.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
January 23, 2017
Government, Business

Highway Funds Fall Low Enough That Republicans Seek Taxes

Falling fuel prices, crumbling roads and bridges and a gridlocked Congress have U.S. states, even those run by Republicans, debating higher taxes.

Mark Niquette | Bloomberg News
December 10, 2014