Renewed Port Hauler Strike Looms

Officials at the ports of Seattle and Tacoma, Wash., have until the end of September to avoid another strike by container haulers at the ports.

Paul Spillenger | Special to Transport Topics
September 28, 1999

FRA to Extend Safety Program

The Federal Railroad Administration is expanding its safety oversight to target the role of human error in railroad accidents, Transportation Secretary Rodney E. Slater announced Sept. 23.

Paul Spillenger | Special to Transport Topics
September 27, 1999

Overnite Withdraws IPO; Strike Threat Continues

Overnite Transportation Corp. withdrew its registration for an initial public offering Sept. 14, citing “current market conditions” as the reason.

Paul Spillenger | Special to Transport Topics
September 22, 1999

Teamsters Draw Fire From Senators

Three Republican senators have written a letter to Teamsters chief James P. Hoffa asking him to explain "recent acts of violence" associated with their battle against Overnite Transportation.

Paul Spillenger | Special to Transport Topics
September 21, 1999

Overnite Declines Federal Mediation

In an effort to avoid a Teamsters union strike against Overnite, the federal government offered to help the two sides reach an agreement. The Teamsters accepted; Overnite declined.

Paul Spillenger | Special to Transport Topics
September 21, 1999

Senate OKs Transportation Bill

The Senate approved a transportation bill that includes $28.9 billion for the Federal Highway Administration to fund road construction and motor carrier safety programs in 2000.

Paul Spillenger | Special to Transport Topics
September 20, 1999

OSHA Misses Record Form Deadline

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration says it will not meet its self-imposed deadline to have new recordkeeping forms in place by January.

Paul Spillenger | Special to Transport Topics
September 16, 1999

Truckers Arrive to Inaugurate Great American Truck Show

The new kid on the truck show block, the Great American Trucking Show, opened in Dallas Sept. 9 to positive reviews. If sheer numbers are any indication, the event looks to give the other high-profile shows, such as the International Trucking Show and Mid-America Trucking Show, a serious run for their money.

Paul Spillenger | Special to Transport Topics
September 15, 1999

Teamsters Win Another Battle

The National Labor Relations Board has certified the Teamsters union to represent 100 employees of Overnite Transportation Co. in Detroit, union officials said.

Paul Spillenger | Special to Transport Topics
September 15, 1999

Anatomy of an Accident

Safety and liability experts say the costs of truck accidents can rack up if trucking executives don't understand the ramifications of liability, no matter who is at fault.

Paul Spillenger | Special to Transport Topics
September 15, 1999