ATA Celebrates Win as Trucker Tax Proposal Rejected
A committee of the Multistate Tax Commission failed to muster a vote in support of the tax-basis change after ATA made it clear that its 50-state federation would strongly oppose the idea.
ATA Unveils New Image Campaign Slogan
SAN ANTONIO — American Trucking Associations has a new image campaign slogan: “Nothing Without Trucking.”
ATA Criticizes Legislative Proposal on Trucker Compensation
American Trucking Associations is leading opposition to legislation in Congress aiming at recasting how certain commercial drivers are compensated.
Use Unspent Funds on Truck Parking, Governors Are Asked
WASHINGTON — American Trucking Associations and other industry stakeholders have asked the governors of each state to use some of their extra federal funds to expand truck parking.
ATA Adds Fourth ‘Image’ Truck to Fleet
AUSTIN, Texas — American Trucking Associations has unveiled a fourth “image” truck in a fleet that travels the country to represent the industry.
ATRI Top Issues, Spear State of the Industry Lead MCE Agenda
American Trucking Associations’ annual Management Conference & Exhibition in Austin will showcase insight, perspective and analysis meant to boost understanding about the industry.
ATA Leader Chris Spear Presses Congress for AV Framework
WASHINGTON — Automated vehicles would gain greater adoption with a nationwide policy framework, Chris Spear, president of American Trucking Associations, told members of Congress on Sept. 13.
ATA’s Spear: Emission Mandates Must Follow Realistic Timelines
WASHINGTON — ATA President Chris Spear said trucking supports clean air initiatives but warned against efforts to compel businesses to use emerging vehicle technology before it's ready.
ATA Launches Safety Spending Survey
American Trucking Associations is carrying out a safety spending survey and is seeking participants, it said.
ATA’s Chris Spear Presses Excise Tax Repeal at Senate Hearing
WASHINGTON — Federal policymakers seeking to modernize freight industry vehicles should revisit efforts to repeal a long-standing excise tax on new trucks, the leader of American Trucking Associations told a Senate committee Feb. 15.