
About Government News...

Transport Topics government and regulatory coverage keeps managers of a highly-regulated industry aware of the policy decisions that can shape their businesses. Covering both the legislative and regulatory aspects of policy-making, at both the state and national levels, the news in this category includes looks at infrastructure, hours of service, emissions rules, funding measures, leadership appointments, and more. Readers can follow what’s happening in Congress, at the Department of Transportation and the Federal Motor Carrier Administration, and in state and local governments.

Business, Government, Safety, Fuel, Logistics

Obama Issues Stricter Auto Efficiency Rules

The Obama administration last week announced stricter requirements for automobile fuel efficiency and a first-ever national greenhouse gas reduction standard for cars and light trucks. Though heavy trucks are not immediately affected, an industry official suggested similar changes could be coming within the next decade.

May 25, 2009
Business, Government, Safety, Technology, Equipment

Fleets See Longer Tire Life with Monitoring Systems

Trucking fleets and tire makers said increased use of tire-pressure monitoring systems and automatic inflation systems is saving lives and money.

May 25, 2009
Business, Fuel, Government

Fuel Price Hedgers Seeking Market Bottom

With fuel prices dramatically lower than just a year ago, carriers that engage in hedging are questioning whether the market is close enough to a bottom to begin locking in prices, according to several fuel-purchasing analysts.

May 25, 2009
Business, Safety, Government

LaHood Says No Decision Yet on Truck Weights

WASHINGTON — The Department of Transportation has yet to make a decision on whether to back increased federal truck weight limits, Secretary Ray LaHood said.

Sean McNally | Staff Reporter
May 22, 2009
Business, Government

House Adds Unionizing Measure to FAA Reauthorization

The House approved a bill before leaving for its Memorial Day recess that would make it easier for employees to join unions, Bloomberg reported.

May 22, 2009
Government, Business, Safety

Virginia Scales Back Plan To Close Rest Stops

The Virginia Department of Transportation said it will propose closing 19 of the state's 41 highway rest areas, scaling back its original proposal to close 25.

May 22, 2009
Business, Safety, Government

Knight Boosting Dividend

Truckload carrier Knight Transportation said it will boost its quarterly dividend to 5 cents per share, from 4 cents.

May 22, 2009
Business, Fuel, Government

Senate Confirms Heads for FAA, FTA

The Senate late Thursday confirmed Randy Babbit, former president of the Air Line Pilots Association, as the administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration.

May 22, 2009
Business, Safety, Government

U.S. May Reopen Roads to Mexican Trucks by June, LaHood Says

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said the United States could reopen its roads to Mexican trucks as soon as next month, Bloomberg reported.

May 21, 2009
Government, Business

Leading Economic Indicators Rise 1%

An index of leading economic indicators rose 1% last month, the biggest gain in three-and-a-half years, the New York-based Conference Board said Thursday.

May 21, 2009