
About Safety News...

Transportation businesses face a host of dynamic risk issues that can significantly impact their financial and operational health. The news in this category focuses on the latest safety and security initiatives, resources and regulations and addresses topics that include fleet safety, claims administration, driver hiring and retention, risk management and compliance.

Business, Safety, Government, Logistics

Greatwide Expands Its Operations Center for Dedicated Carriage, New Software

Greatwide Logistics Services said Oct. 7 it has substantially increased the operations capacity and capabilities of its transportation operations center by implementing new software programs.

October 15, 2010
Business, Safety

Opinion: Downtime and Subrogation

Insurance companies and motor carriers pursue subrogation aggressively today. It was not always so. In years past, the focus was on adjusting claims, getting vehicles back on the road and closing files as soon as possible.

October 14, 2010
Business, Safety

LaHood Blasts Insurance Group that Claims Texting Bans Are Ineffective

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety drew an angry rebuke from Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood over a study the group released that showed no relation between texting bans and fewer car crashes.

October 4, 2010
Letters to the Editor, Business, Safety, Government, Autonomous

Letters: Truck Deaths Down, Broker’s Bond, CVSA & Zero Fatalities, Another Step-Van Fan

I just read the great news in your well-written article in Transport Topics, headlined “Truck Deaths Plunge 20%; NHTSA Says 2009 Was Safest Year on Record.”

October 4, 2010
Business, Government, Safety, Autonomous

Five Trucking Companies Endorse Bill Requiring EOBRs

Five major trucking companies said Wednesday they have endorsed legislation by two U.S. senators that would require electronic onboard recorders in all trucks to verify drivers’ duty status.

September 29, 2010
Government, Business, Safety

Highway Deaths Fall 9.2% for First Half of Year

The number of people killed on U.S. highways fell by 9.2% in the first half of this year from a year earlier, continuing a trend that began in 2006, Bloomberg reported Monday.

September 27, 2010
Business, Safety

State Highway Officials Avoid Vote on Cellphone Bans

The Governors Highway Safety Association has decided not to endorse complete bans on cellphone use while driving, the Washington Post reported Monday.

September 27, 2010
Business, Safety

LaHood Announces Broadened Texting Ban Aimed at Intrastate Hazmat Truck Drivers

WASHINGTON — Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood announced that the Obama administration intends to issue a broader ban on texting while driving aimed at closing a jurisdictional loophole involving intrastate haulers of hazardous materials.

September 27, 2010
Letters to the Editor, Business, Safety, Government, Logistics, Autonomous

Letters: Keep the Step Vans, Calling it Quits, Natural Gas, Background Reports

Please keep step-van drivers in the National Truck Driving Championships. I attended my first truck-driving rodeo two years ago because the step-van category was added, and I had a blast. Now, I’m hooked on NTDC.

September 27, 2010
Business, Safety, Government

Durable Goods Orders Fall 1.3%

Durable goods orders fell 1.3% in August, the Commerce Department said Friday. Orders excluding transportation equipment rose 2%, more than forecast.

September 24, 2010