
About Safety News...

Transportation businesses face a host of dynamic risk issues that can significantly impact their financial and operational health. The news in this category focuses on the latest safety and security initiatives, resources and regulations and addresses topics that include fleet safety, claims administration, driver hiring and retention, risk management and compliance.

Letters to the Editor, Business, Government, Safety

Letters: Driving-Time Cuts, Rate-Setting Redux, Raising Broker Bonds

Safety advocate groups once again are pursuing their never-ending effort to reduce the driving time allowed commercial motor vehicle operators.

July 5, 2010
Editorial, Government, Business, Safety, Autonomous

An HOS Rule That Works

The proposal for revamping the federal government’s hours-of-service rule for truck drivers that a coalition of interest groups released recently illustrates just how little these political theorists understand about highway safety and the business of moving America’s freight.

July 5, 2010
Government, Business, Safety

Appeals Court Blocks Truckers’ Bid to Recover More Than $10,000 After Brokerage Failure

A U.S. Appeals Court has rejected an effort by a group of truckers to collect more than $10,000 from an insurance company that posted a surety bond for a broker that went bankrupt.

July 5, 2010
Business, Government, Safety, Autonomous

DOT Awards Five States $6.25 Million to Help Ease Shortage of Safe Truck Parking

The U.S. Department of Transportation in June awarded grants totaling $6.25 million to five states to “ease truck parking shortages on U.S. interstates.”

July 5, 2010
Government, Business, Safety

Massachusetts, Iowa Enact Distracted Driving Laws

Massachusetts and Iowa enacted laws to combat distracted driving late last week, with Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) signed legislation Friday outlawing texting while driving, making his the 29th state to outlaw the practice.

Michele Fuetsch | Staff Reporter
July 3, 2010
Business, Safety, Logistics

Opinion: Out of the Lab, Into the Cab

June is National Safety Month, a particularly relevant observance this year as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration makes final revisions to its operational model for the Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 program, with implementation expected as early as December.

June 30, 2010
Business, Safety

ATRI Says Shipper Pressure Forces Truckers to Seek Complex Carbon Measurement Tools

Although trucking companies do not yet face a legal mandate to report their carbon emissions, some shippers continue to demand such disclosure, forcing truckers to choose between several complex reporting methods, the American Transportation Research Institute said.

June 29, 2010
Letters to the Editor, Business, Safety, Government

Letters: Broker Authority

I continue to be perplexed by May 10’s “Opinion” writer, David Dwinell. Call me old school, but I prefer my statements to be supported by facts.

June 28, 2010
Business, Government, Safety

New Chassis Safety Rules Take Effect

The long-awaited new federal chassis safety rules take effect June 30, but officials said questions remain about damage reports truckers must file to keep equipment in roadworthy shape.

June 28, 2010
Business, Government, Safety

Labor Dept. Official Urges Passage of Bill to Curb Potential Worker Misclassification

Catching employers who misclassify their employees as independent contractors would help ensure a “level playing field in the marketplace,” a top official with the U.S. Department of Labor told a Senate committee.

June 28, 2010