TCA Members Vote Down Integration

Members of the Truckload Carriers Association voted March 22 to reject a plan to integrate the 63-year-old organization with American Trucking Associations by a vote of 213-206.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
March 22, 2000

TCA to Vote on Affiliation With ATA

The debate over the proposed integration of the Truckload Carriers Association into American Trucking Associations took a new twist as opponents of the merger called for renegotiating the terms of the groups’ relationship.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
March 22, 2000

Carriers Get Support in Ruling

A second federal judge has ruled that the Department of Transportation’s Inspector General overstepped its bounds for investigating trucking companies for violations of federal motor carrier safety laws, but denied a request by five carriers for an injunction prohibiting the inquiries.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
March 22, 2000

House Passes Legislation Restoring Meals Deduction

Meals eaten on the road could be cheaper come January if tax legislation passed by the House is enacted.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
March 22, 2000

Commercial Driver License Program Still Evolving

The 13-year-old commercial driver license program is good, but it could be even better, government officials and trucking groups say.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
March 22, 2000

Group Changes Dues Structure

Switching from a sliding scale to a flat rate for dues at the National Private Truck Council will cost more for shippers with small private truck fleets, while lightening the load for large fleet operators.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
March 22, 2000

TCA Head Finds Himself Locked in Integration Battle

Gary Baumhover ascended to the chairmanship of the Truckload Carriers Association last March expecting the unpaid position to be primarily social in nature. But the post has turned into almost a full-time job as the he found himself embroiled in the debate over whether TCA should integrate with American Trucking Associations.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
March 22, 2000

Judge: DOT Inspector General Went Too Far

A second federal judge has ruled that the Department of Transportation’s Inspector General overstepped its bounds for investigating trucking companies for violations of federal motor carrier safety laws.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
March 20, 2000

House Passes Bill Restoring Meals Deduction

Meals eaten on the road could be cheaper come January if a House-approved tax bill restoring the 80% meals deduction becomes law.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
March 17, 2000

UPS Asks 2-Year Ban on New Rail Mergers

United Parcel Service, the nation’s largest trucking company and the largest railroad freight customer, urged the Surface Transportation Board to impose a two-year moratorium on further rail mergers.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
March 15, 2000