for-hire News Updates
A. Duie Pyle Celebrates Centennial Milestone
From the Great Depression to industry deregulation and beyond, A. Duie Pyle has kept trucking, marking a full century of economic cycles and transformations in freight transportation.
Industry Sector Rankings Reflect Market Downturn
For-hire carriers across segments saw revenues slide and margins tighten in 2023, but some industry sectors fared better than others.
Freight Recession Squeezes Top 100 For-Hire Carriers
Soft market conditions in 2023 placed financial strain on many of the largest for-hire trucking companies in North America.
Fleets Persevere Through Down Market With Care and Creativity
The largest for-hire carriers have persevered through a down market with care for their customers and close attention to controlling costs.
Industry Stakeholders Take Aim at Truck Parking Shortage
According to reports from the American Transportation Research Institute, truck parking has been one of the industry’s top concerns for several years.
Trucking For-Hire Sector Grew by 37.8% From 2009-2016, DOT Statistical Report Says
The trucking for-hire sector grew by 37.8% from 2009-2016, and was No. 1 among transportation groups in contributing to the 2016 gross domestic product, according to a new U.S. Department of Transportation statistical report.