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Perspective, Business

Opinion: Techniques, Technologies to Combat Fatigue

Fatigue is a problem. It’s a common one for just about every job imaginable. The consequences of fatigue, however, are far greater for those who operate motor vehicles. You put yourself and the lives of others in danger when you’re drowsy. But let’s face it, if you’re a trucker, you’ve probably driven when you really should not have because you were tired.

July 14, 2014
Perspective, Business

Opinion: Driver Satisfaction About More Than Pay

A lot of attention has been given recently to the ongoing driver shortage and the various strategies to resolve it. Much of the focus has been on driver pay.

July 7, 2014
Perspective, Business

Opinion: Detention Time Is Too Important to Ignore

While debate continues on hours of service, truck size and weight, and their effect on truck productivity, we should not lose sight of an issue that has been consistently raised by major trucking groups and relates to time lost at the loading docks of shippers and receivers.

June 30, 2014
Perspective, Business

Opinion: Trucking Industry’s Culture of Safety

Within all segments of the trucking industry, safety is always a priority. Two recent incidents — an extremely offensive ad from a personal injury law firm depicting a Class 8 tractor with the words “Serial Killer” at the top and a tragic accident involving comedian Tracy Morgan — have generated outside attention to perceived lack of safety in the industry.

June 23, 2014
Perspective, Business

Time to Lock in Rates

Recent articles have stated that truck capacity is running close to 100%. Industry experts have been saying the increased freight volume that comes with sustained economic growth, plus other factors such as a long bout of poor weather, could create a truly critical situation.

June 16, 2014
Perspective, Business

Infrastructure Investment Vital to the Nation

Gridlock in Washington, D.C., is increasingly creating gridlock on our highways. Failure to invest responsibly in infrastructure has led to higher costs for everyone — from trucking companies to consumers.

June 9, 2014
Perspective, Business

Opinion: One ELD Rule Doesn’t Fit All

There has been a lot of discussion lately about the proposed regulation that will mandate the use of electronic logging devices. Personally, I am in favor of using ELDs.

May 26, 2014
Perspective, Business

Opinion: Why and How to Improve Driver Health

I recently gave a presentation on why trucking companies should improve driver health, and how to do it.

May 19, 2014
Perspective, Business, Logistics

Opinion: Intermodal: An Infrastructure Success Story

Moving America forward. Designed to move a nation. These aren’t just slogans — they’re mission statements for two industries that are critical pieces of the U.S. economy.

May 12, 2014
Perspective, Business

Opinion: The Secret Weapon for Retaining Drivers

Driving trucks is more a lifestyle than a job, and it’s not for everyone. Drivers often work in the small hours of the night, live on the road for weeks at a time in cramped quarters and pilot big rigs through city streets in maneuvers roughly equivalent to steering the Queen Elizabeth 2 up a creek.

May 5, 2014