TSA Could Delay Deadlines for Hazmat Driver Checks

The Transportation Security Administration said it was considering requests to delay criminal background checks for 3.5 million hazardous material drivers, while still working on guidelines for states and industry to meet.

Sean McNally | Staff Reporter
July 23, 2003

TSA Could Delay Deadlines for Hazmat Driver Checks

The Transportation Security Administration said it was considering requests to delay criminal background checks for 3.5 million hazardous material drivers, while still working on guidelines for states and industry to meet.

Sean McNally | Staff Reporter
July 18, 2003

U.S. Said to Weigh Extending Hazmat Deadlines

As several major groups last week joined calls for the government to delay fast-approaching deadlines for criminal background checks of hazardous materials drivers, a spokesman for one agency said the government was weighing that issue.

Sean McNally | Staff Reporter
July 11, 2003

Ill. Bars Heavy Trucks From 'Oases' Being Rebuilt

Illinois has begun temporarily barring heavy trucks from using some rest stops along toll roads - even though motorists may still stop there - as the state's toll agency and vendors rebuild a series of on-highway "oasis" stops.

Sean McNally | Staff Reporter
July 11, 2003

Truckers See Wait Times Fall at Three Large California Ports

State officials and truckers in California said that wait times at the state’s three major ocean ports fell last week, as a law that penalizes terminal operators if they cause trucks to wait in line more than 30 minutes went into effect.

Sean McNally | Staff Reporter
July 10, 2003

Tank Truck Carriers, States Seek Delay in Hazmat Rule

Two key national associations have called on the Transportation Security Administration to delay implementing a new requirement for criminal background checks before certifying commercial drivers to haul hazardous materials.

Sean McNally | Staff Reporter
July 9, 2003

Truck Makers Display High-Tech Safety Features

McLEAN, Va. — Truck manufacturers and fleets demonstrated new, high-tech safety features in their vehicles last week as part of the Intelligent Vehicle Initiative annual meeting here.

Sean McNally | Staff Reporter
June 30, 2003

State DMVs Get Few Answers About Hazmat Driver Checks

Representatives of state motor vehicle departments had many questions but got few answers about how the new rule requiring background checks for hazardous materials drivers would operate.

Sean McNally | Staff Reporter
June 25, 2003

New ATA Logo Salutes Century of Trucking

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — American Trucking Associations unveiled a logo May 30 celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the trucking industry.

Sean McNally | Staff Reporter
June 13, 2003

Trucking Associations Fight California’s Electric Forklift Plan

American Trucking Associations said it joined the California Trucking Association in opposing a section of the latest air quality plan for Southern California that would require electric forklift trucks and increase fees on port trucking.

Sean McNally | Staff Reporter
May 30, 2003